Mahoney featured in Marshall Project Report on Autism Defense

The Marshall Project is a freelance journalism project focusing on criminal justice issues.  It has published this article entitled "Downloading a Nightmare: When autism, child pornography and the courts collide"

Here is how the Marshall Project introduces this article:

 It is unclear whether people with autism are over-represented among those prosecuted for downloading child pornography. But autism experts and the parents of men with autism are increasingly convinced that the disease makes sufferers both naive about the evils of exploiting children online and less likely to ever become predators in the real world. Some courts are beginning to accept this defense. “The line between legal and illegal in the world of online pornography may be especially blurry for someone without an inherent understanding of social mores and taboos,” writes Anat Rubin, who reported for months for us on this sensitive topic. The Marshall Project


Here is the link to the article: Mark Mahoney - Autism, child pornography and the courts

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